Sunday, November 14, 2010

Absorbing capability of carbon active from Tanjung Tabalong coal

The research of absorbing capability of carbon active from Tanjung Tabalong coal was
carried out to organic and unorganic element in industrial waste for identfying the
absorption capability of carbon active coal for refining of industrial waste.
The research comprising of carbonization and activation process as well as the
experimentation of the active-carbon absorption capability. The carbonization process was
carried out at low temperature of 600oC which produce semi-coke, while activation process
was carried out to semi coke at temperature of 700oC with activation time of 120 minutes
which produce active carbon. The experimentation of absorption capability was performed
to COD (chemical oxygen demand). Parameters studied are 2.5 - and 9.0 grms active
carbon for 250 ml and 300 ml to COD waste with agitation time of 30; 60 and 90 minutes
The result of experimentation both absorption of COD were analysed with AAS (atomic
absorption spectro photometer) shown that the utilization of 2.5 grm active carbon can
absorp COD waste ranging of 6.9-67.5 grm. While for the utilization of 9 grms can absorp
COD waste ranging of 88.9-100 % .
The higher of active carbon and the longer time of agitation used in this experiment , the
higher the absorption of COD and TSS.
Key words: carbonization, activation, semi-coke, active carbon, COD waste, , absorption.


M. Ulum A. Gani
Pusat Penelitian Geoteknologi, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetauan Indonesia (LIPI)
Jl. Cisitu-Sangkuriang, Bandung 40135, Tlp : 022-2507771, Fax :022-2504593
E-Mail :;

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Tide-Dominated Deltas

The shape of a delta is influenced by sediment input, wave energy, and tidal energy. Deltas which undergo strong tidal interaction are classified as tide-dominated deltas. As sediment travels out of the delta into the sea, high tides and flood tides confine sediment on the delta plain and low tides carry sediment seaward. Tide-dominated deltas typically occur in locations of large tidal ranges or high tidal current speeds. Insituations such as these, where the sediment supply is over powered by strong tidal currents, the delta tends to be very small. Another resulting feature of a tide-dominated delta is that it has many linear structures parallel to the tidal flow and perpendicular to the shore (shownbelow).

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